Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

GC and Architect should be able to stamp submittals in Team

The Submittal Cover page is OK, but it seems like you'd have to print it out, stamp it with a physical rubber stamp and upload it back in.  The the architect would need to do it again.  Use the document markup tools to let us upload a stamp, fill in the fields and apply it within team so it shows up on the submittal cover sheet.  Let the architect do the same.

  • Eric Elfner
  • Mar 5 2018
  • Shipped
Company CG Schmidt, Inc.
Job Title / Role Director of IT
I need it... 3 months
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Mercedes Green commented
      May 25, 2022 17:05

      The Submittal workflow is not finished. There is a 3 year old request for reviewer hierarchy. I don't know anyone that only requires 1 person to approve a shop drawing on a Submittal. It must go through multiple consultants (Structural, Mechanical etc) first before the Architect can approve. This is a huge hole and no one is looking at these.

    • Derek Wielkopolski commented
      May 25, 2022 16:54

      Hi everyone, we're really happy with getting user stamps out in the latest 2022 R5 release. With submittal bundles and now stamps we round out the submittal review workflow. Check it out HERE Enjoy! -DW

    • Miriam Hoskins commented
      September 29, 2021 12:50

      This is very important to our organization and is one of the biggest complaints from the end users of the software who are the drivers for whether its use is continued. Please take this suggestion seriously and IMPLEMENT ASAP. It's very important.

    • Mercedes Green commented
      August 12, 2021 15:37

      3.5 years old now, 219 votes, yet still not implemented. Please have older modules 100% fixed before adding new ones. We still can't assign approvals to consultants in a hierarchy either....

    • Sara Fritsch commented
      January 25, 2021 18:09

      Recently I have done submittals through Viewpoint for the first time and spent quite a while trying to figure out to stamp them before I realized that cannot be done within Viewpoint. Please implement this.

    • Chris Rippley commented
      January 14, 2021 16:27

      Coming up on three years and is still only "Likely to implement"? What's the point of adding suggestions and voting if you do not take our opinions seriously? This is a quality of life update that many of your clients want to see implemented. Can we please get an update on this feature?

    • Guest commented
      December 03, 2020 17:31

      Hoping this is still in the works. would be helpful

    • Paige Kelley commented
      January 10, 2020 17:31

      Someone in a chat I just had said, "I wouldn't expect it soon. I haven't seen any mention of it in their latest planning documentation." We need to be able to add the cover sheet to an existing uploaded document and be able to stamp it with our custom stamp that we upload and save on the team stamp tool. It will save so much time. I currently have a project with 300+ submittals and having the stamp already there would save so much time. THIS NEEDS TO COME UP IN YOUR NEXT MEETING!!! IT"S ONE OF YOUR MOST VOTED REQUESTS!

    • Camron Walker commented
      December 04, 2019 17:17

      Why are you wasting your time on anything else besides the most important issue for your clients? "Likely not planned" it's been two years!

    • Katie Sarabasa commented
      November 12, 2019 20:28

      I see this says "Likely to Implement" but when will this be implemented?!

    • Guest commented
      November 04, 2019 18:40

      I see this suggestion was posted back in March 2018 and is likely to implement. We just purchased Team last month and I still don't see this enhancement implemented. Are we still asking GC and Architect to download the Submittal pdf, apply their stamp (wet linked or digital) to the Submittal transmittal and then upload it back into Team? The stamp is paramount to the Submittal process and ease to apply said stamp and allowing a text box to add comments, if applicable, within Team is essential.

    • Shai Rosenstock commented
      July 09, 2019 19:42

      Can we get a 10x vote! this is super important.

    • Aubrey Buttell commented
      June 18, 2019 21:58

      The coversheet should be customizible to what fields we would like on it.

      When a subcontractor gets the 'approved' shop drawing and they print with coversheet, it is irreverent to show those stamp boxes. It should only reiterate the Status, Dates, etc. 

    • Admin
      Sandra Johnson commented
      June 04, 2019 14:13

      Good morning! Thank you for your comments. The status "Likely but not yet planned" means that we do have this on our road map. It is something that we do plan to implement but we don't have an exact date yet to share. I hope that helps.

    • Guest commented
      June 04, 2019 13:20

      Our Company is new to Viewpoint Team as of 2019, this recommendation would address the largest complaint we have from our PM's, and Design Teams from each project. seeing this  recommendation originated April 10th 2018 and is easily the largest submittal complaint with the highest number of votes from your customer base i would hope the status "likely but no yet planned" is outdated at this point?????? please address this

    • Eric Elfner commented
      April 10, 2019 20:51

      It's great we have the stamp option, but it could be a ton better.  For example on Submittals, could we have a stamp with our logo, a place for some standard text (customizable for each client.)  Have it pull in the current date, the Project Number and the Submittal number.  Give the PM team a place to add any custom notes.  Our people are still finding it 'easier' to download to bluebeam, apply the stamp and then push it back up.  I would love to give the a 'Stamp the Attachment' option right in Team.

    • Guest commented
      April 10, 2019 14:24

      What is the latest on this, TEAM? We need to make this happen ASAP

    • Brant Fischer commented
      March 06, 2019 13:15

      Ability to add a cover sheet to the current attachment is critical for adoption of the stamp tool. Currently we have to print the submittal out to get the coversheet to append to the document and then have to reupload the document. Ideally there should be a button that adds the same coversheet to the submittal attachment and then we can stamp the sheet. 

    • Lane Grover commented
      December 14, 2018 22:45

      Why have the "Stamp" fields at all. Can't checking the approved box satisfy the same goal?

    • Shawn Gardener commented
      November 26, 2018 22:19

      Along the same line of thinking, it would be useful to be able to add the cover page (or a dedicated stamp page) to the actual attachment as a place for the stamps without printing from Team (with the cover) and uploading it back in.  

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