Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Streamline Revise and Submit process to make it easier for all involved.

Submittal Revise and Resubmit process:

1. The Architect rejects a submittal and the ball is in Sachse’s Court. There are two options: Close and notify, or create revision. The ‘create revision’ button should be deleted.

2. When the ‘close and notify’ button is clicked, the notify pop up comes up. There should be a check box for ‘revise and resubmit’ that creates a revision when checked. The old revision will then be locked out from editing.

3. All revision pages should have two areas to upload attachments. One is for “approved submittals”, the other is for “Revise/Review Submittals”

4. Add a feature on each revision to be able to toggle through revision. Currently you can only move backwards. You need the ability to also move forward. So if you are on REV 1, you should be able to go back to REV 0 for reference, but also move forward to REV 2 or whatever is the current revision.

See attached for mock-up of buttons to help explain our idea

  • Andrea Wright
  • May 26 2017
  • Future consideration
Company Sachse Construction
Job Title / Role ERP Implementation Project Manager
I need it... 3 months
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Chris Socha commented
      April 08, 2021 20:31

      How is this still an outstanding issue? This current configuration does not follow a logical workflow for returning a rejected submittal to the submitter while simultaneously creating a revision for the next go-around.

    • Tammy Krenz commented
      November 14, 2019 15:57

      Two years old and no progress.   Disappointing.....with this many votes.

    • Chris Rippley commented
      June 20, 2019 19:52

      This is now two years old. Has there been any progress?

    • Brant Fischer commented
      March 06, 2019 13:12

      I am echoing Messer's feedback on this item. When creating a revision the system just closes the current submittal and doesnt notify the subcontractor downstream. This has left much confusion. The proposed solution with the create revision at the close and notify step would fix this confusion. We have received this from dozens of projects using Team submittals. 

    • Guest commented
      May 14, 2018 14:57

      It would also be helpful if the due from Arch/Eng date would be cleared out.  When I create the revision and ask that it come in from the Subcontractor by a certain date, I cannot delete the due from Arch/Eng.  Then they are getting late notices because it keeps the date from the original submittal.  And, if I push that date out, then they are getting notified that they have to respond by a certain date when the revised submittal has not yet even been issued by the subcontractor.  It causes confusion for the A/E team.

    • Bobby Asbury commented
      November 19, 2017 00:20

      Jeremy, this issue is related to a post I just sent. This really needs to be addressed since resubmittals are a daily process.

    • Jeremy Larsen commented
      October 16, 2017 13:43

      Thanks for the feedback Bobby - I will send this over to our UX team and keep you all posted.

    • Bobby Asbury commented
      October 15, 2017 20:19

      I was just going to issue suggestion on create revision process and this item popped up. If you Create Revision, the Vendo is not notified of the original submittal state and does not get link sent to the review. When you issue Revision, we have to put in the comment box where to find the original review telling them to select the drop-down by REV 1 to go back. Earlier version use to list the versions i.e. REV0 REV1 with the focus on whatever version you are on. While the drop-down is cleaner layout, earlier version was easier for non-expert user to use.

    • Jeremy Larsen commented
      June 14, 2017 17:25

      Andrea - This is helpful - thank you.  We will see how we can simply this in the system.

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