Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Project Editor Should be able to Update 'State' of a Submittal or RFI

This is similar to suggestion MVPM-I-87, but I wanted to enter it more succinctly and with an example.  Project Editors should have the authority to update a Submittal, RFI or Issue's 'State' without routing it through the workflow process.

An example would be that our Project Manager (Reviewer) receives a Submittal from a Subcontractor (Submitter) outside of Team, say via e-mail.  Our Reviewer would like to log it in Team and send it directly to the Approver, but in Team they must Issue it to the Submitter and have  them re-submit it to via Team.  Or fake it's path through, but that's a pain.  This particular user used to use Procore and tells me she could bring it in as Submitted (or whatever they call it) without re-routing it through the process.  Thanks!

  • Eric Elfner
  • Feb 15 2018
  • Shipped
Company CG Schmidt, Inc.
Job Title / Role Director of IT
I need it... 3 months
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    • Bobby Asbury commented
      February 16, 2018 09:55

      Thanks Jim, yes great addition.

      Eric, simply go to the ellipsis at the upper right of the Sbmtl screen when in the sbmtl and select "Change State" then select from the drop-down options in the pop-up window. Works great but you may want to test a few times to assure you are opening in desired State.

    • Admin
      Jim Sunderland commented
      February 16, 2018 03:41

      Bobby, that is correct! We introduced this feature a month or two ago. 

    • Bobby Asbury commented
      February 16, 2018 01:12

      If I am understanding your comments above, I believe this is already possible on TEAM. You can now change the State of a Submittal and select submitted and it comes to reviewer bypassing the need to issue to vendor and send to approver. Other options also available. 

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