Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Submittal/RFI Responses Confidential Until Returned

We have multiple architects that want the responses to items from their consultants to be confidential from us as the GC until they review and return it to our court. Also, if an engineer does not return a submittal in viewpoint and instead does it through email, the Architect role has no authorization to send the response along to us, and are then reverting back to emailing the responses, making Team partially useless. Is there a way to also give them limited rights to override just the people they have forwarded an item on to?

  • Sam Hardy
  • Oct 22 2019
Company Westland Construction
Job Title / Role Project Engineer
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Aubrey Buttell commented
      December 06, 2022 17:59

      This issue just cost our company $$$$. Please get this fixed asap.

    • Sam Hardy commented
      March 10, 2020 17:54

      The additional reviewer function still shows me as the GC when a comment is made by the additional reviewer or if they respond. Also, it was noticed today that when the Architect responds to an RFI the response goes directly to our subcontractor before we can review the response. We get notified but the control is out of our hands at that point.

      We also found today that if a comment is made by a subcontractor on a submittal before it is in the Architect's court, the architect is notified of the new comment causing confusion as to who's court it is in. See the attached email chain. Please make submittals and RFIs private until it is in the respective person's court. This is causing Architects to be turned away from using the software all together.

    • Shawn Gardener commented
      December 24, 2019 16:15

      Just wondering if your architects have tried the additional reviewer (as opposed to forwarding) so that the submittal remains officially in their court for action?

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