Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

To Contacts choices should be limited to those we've already added to the Project

Or at least we should have this option.  Predictive e-mail is evidently drawing from the Team Global contact list, which may be people we don't even know.  Some people might like saving the step of inviting them first, but it feels like clutter to us and an opportunity for error.  Thanks.

  • Eric Elfner
  • Mar 5 2018
  • Planning to implement
Company CG Schmidt, Inc.
Job Title / Role Director of IT
I need it... 6 months
  • Attach files
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    • Eric Elfner commented
      February 08, 2019 14:41

      Thanks, Aaron.  That's helpful to know what it's doing.  I think we were seeing all those names come up, and thought it was still looking at the global users list, not just our Vista Contacts.  I would like to keep this suggestion out there because if I could, I would check a box that said 'Limit Contact Entry to Contacts on this Project'.  You could probably word it better than that.  I get that you're trying to make it easier to add a contact on the fly, but once the team is established, it returns a lot of chaff when you're trying to assign someone on the team.  Thanks!

    • Aaron Jost commented
      February 08, 2019 00:01

      The expected behavior:

      • if you don't type in anything, that drop down will represent the appropriate contacts already on the project
      • if you type it will look first to the project contact list, 
      • THEN, search for that combination of characters in your Vista PM Firms  (confirmed you guys have the setting to limit to PM Firms)
      • If you don't have Limit to PM Firms selected it will NOT search the global list of contacts
      • If you are looking for a contact not on the project or not in Vista, you have to type in the full email address to get that user to return

      Confirmed this is functioning as described in production

    • Eric Elfner commented
      February 06, 2019 17:53

      Could we get an update on this.  This is when create an RFI.  If we scroll through them names to select an approver with the mouse wheel, it only shows contacts already assigned to the project.  But if you start typing a name it is suggesting people we don't even know from the entire Team user list.  To be clear, we would like it only to select names we are typing from people who are already assigned to the current project.  Thanks.

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