Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Please disable the Add New PM Firm Contacts

Unbeknownst to me, some of our TEAM users have been creating their PM Firm Contacts manually in TEAM, which creates them into Vista without any address information, Firm Types (which is a required field) and also creating duplicates.  We have specific firm numbers to designate what they are (Owner, Vendor, Consultant) as well as integrate these PM Firm  Contacts to a cloud-based marketing tool called Cosential so now we have 3 separate systems with the wrong information.


We want to ONLY allow a contact to be added into TEAM that already existing in Vista, just like we only want a Project to be created that exists.  If this can't be disabled, please at least have an Enterprise setting to disable this + sign.

  • Mercedes Green
  • Jun 29 2018
  • Planning to implement
Company Skygrid Construction Inc.
Job Title / Role Technology Strategist
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • jenny seiber commented
      March 07, 2022 17:04

      Yes please!

    • Alicia Comstock commented
      March 04, 2022 18:09

      Yes. Please disable this option.

    • Leah Walker commented
      November 24, 2021 16:56

      We are having the same issue! Our users are able to add new contacts in MANY different places by using the add a contact on the fly method in addition to adding them from within the contact tool itself. We are having users create contacts for people which are then being created as Vendors in Vista. This is a big no-no. Not only do we have issues with duplicates, but we have issues with incorrect info being entered, etc. Please please please add the ability for an admin to completely remove the "+" button as well as remove the "add on the fly" ability from within RFIs, submittals, etc. This needs to be implemented ASAP! We have had to reach out to VP Team support on multiple occasions to try to get help cleaning things up within both Vista and Team due to this function.

    • Rini White commented
      November 26, 2019 15:06

      Aaron if someone clicks the plus to add a new contact it ends up adding a new firm in Vista as well as the issue's mentioned below where if they leave off a "The" or some slight variant it will create a new firm in Vista. We just need the option to turn it off.

    • Aaron Jost commented
      November 26, 2019 05:28

      With 'Limit to PM Firms' set we should not be allowing you to add "new" Firms but requiring you to only select ones that are already in Vista. Is this what you guys are seeing?

    • Brant Fischer commented
      October 03, 2019 19:56

      I will add our users are polluting PM Firms as well. The search still isn't perfect so users search for a firm and don't add a "The" at the beginning and end up adding a whole new firm which throws off all the hard work we have done. We need to disable adding new firms.

    • Eric Elfner commented
      June 26, 2019 20:03

      This is a big problem for us too.  Team users are adding contacts with bad data, duplicate contacts and incomplete contacts.  We keep a pretty clean PM Firm Contacts and this feature is letting our users mess it up.  Please give us an option to disable the + button.  Suggestion  MVPM-I-259 says that was shipped, but support told me we can't turn it off.

    • Shawn Gardener commented
      May 23, 2019 16:46

      This is becoming a big issue for us as well as we have reporting in Vista to show which firms and contacts have worked on our projects, and the duplicates being created from Team create a breakdown in that data.  Wish we could force our Team users to only invite contacts from PM firms.

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