Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Ability to Download Reviewed Submittal from Email

It would be extremely useful for the Vendors and Subcontractors as well as Engineer to be able to download the reviewed pdf submittal from the email notification without having to actually go into TEAM. Other similar Programs such as Newforma and Procore offer this. Much more user friendly for those that do not wish to log into the Program just to download reviewed sbmtl. I had made this suggestion last year but have not seen any movement on it yet.

  • Bobby Asbury
  • May 15 2018
  • Likely to implement
Company Leander Construction
Job Title / Role Leander Construction
I need it... 1 month
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Admin
      Sam Schwartz commented
      December 26, 2018 22:15

      We're in the process of planning on this - Shawn's comment is definitely one of the concerns - we want to make sure the email recipients see the document/attachment they were supposed to see.

      The first step we're working on is the ability to build a single combined document using the attachments (+cover sheet) on a Submittal, then saving a "snapshot" of that combined document as the Submitted/Reviewed/Approved version, making it apparent what document the Vendor or Architect should be looking at when the submittal is in their court. From there we can include that version of the document in the email notifications associated with each step of the workflow.

    • Shawn Gardener commented
      June 11, 2018 19:40

      Good idea as long as there is an easy way to flag specific attachments as 'the reviewed' files, as otherwise depending on how people upload marked up versions you may have several files in there, only one being the correct reviewed file.

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