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Did Submittal sort by # change on last update?

Did sort by Submittal number change on last update? We use spec and number i.e. 33 00 00-1 Misc Concrete or 33 0000-1 depending how the Engineer has formatted spec`s. They used to fall right in line now the do not. If it is a rsbmtl then it falls in later. If 05 5500-2 then it now ends up after all 05 xxxx-1 numbers. What and why changed?

  • Bobby Asbury
  • Aug 16 2018
  • Future consideration
Company Leander Construction
Job Title / Role Project Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Guest commented
      March 06, 2020 14:27

      Submittals are still not sorting correctly by number. Submittals for the same spec section are ending up several lines apart when sorting by submittal number. I'm using 22 30 00-1, 22 30 00-2, etc numbering. have to sort by spec section in order to show up correctly, but the default every time you navigate to the screen is by number, which is frustrating.

    • Bobby Asbury commented
      February 25, 2019 01:42

      Sbmtls seem to sort by sbmtl number correctly on app but not on Web. What is up with that?

    • Bobby Asbury commented
      September 05, 2018 15:37

      Sam has not been in touch per previous comment. It looks like they sort fine except the revisions restart the order in that section. It looks like Revisions Start order again in that section each time there is a revision. See attached screen shot. Please call me to further review. 

    • Admin
      Jim Sunderland commented
      August 18, 2018 03:09

      I think somebody "fat fingered" that. Sam (product owner) will be in touch with you. 

    • Bobby Asbury commented
      August 17, 2018 23:43

      Why did this status get changed to Not Applicable? 

    • Bobby Asbury commented
      August 16, 2018 23:37

      Yes please do. I am not sure what we do now as it throws off our sort. Call me when you can. Do you have my cell on record?

    • Admin
      Jim Sunderland commented
      August 16, 2018 23:25

      Yes it did change. We introduced a feature that was highly requested - to sort RFI and Submittals as numbers when the IDs' are numeric rather than sorting alphabetical. Previously, submittal '10' would come before submittal '2'. May I or Sam contact you to better understand the issue you are having following this update? 

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