Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Daily Log Improvements

The daily log format is poorly set up and woefully inadequate for a project of an size.

Daily Logs typically allow collection of

1) Labor on site and their hours

2) Equipment on site

3) Subtrades on site including quantity of people.

4) Planned work

5) Actual Work

6) Deliveries by organization.

Daily reports are an essential part of the project process.  The daily report in its current configuration is utterly useless and we are back to doing our daily reports in word.  

Every software developer has their own take on the daily report, but ultimately most collect the same critical information, it is a mystery to me why Team cannot.

  • Guest
  • May 29 2019
  • Future consideration
Company Surespan Construction
Job Title / Role Vice President
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Guest commented
      October 25, 2019 04:29

      It would also be nice to be able to comment on daily logs to communicate inefficiencies and coach on proper completion

    • Bobby Asbury commented
      June 11, 2019 09:12

      There are needed improvements to the daily log for sure. This is a critical daily task and seems not much has improved since its conception. Creating and editing logs do not work smoothly.  Seems when adding additional person to log it actually creates an entirely new log then you have two each day instead of one. Much room for improvement. Would be nice to toggle areas to "PUBLIC" so Engineer could also view daily manpower area.

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