Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Superintendent Role needs to be able to markup drawings

This ties in to the suggestion that we should be able to set our own security role permissions, but we really need the superintendent role to have the capability to mark up drawings. 

  • Guest
  • Dec 26 2018
  • Planning to implement
Company The Systems Group
Job Title / Role IT Director
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Justin Davis commented
    April 02, 2024 22:06

    It would be ideal if User 1 and User 2 can see the other person's markups. But there needs to be a setting to allow User 1 to only edit User 1 notes; unless permission is granted to edit User 2, 3, 4....markups.

  • Christie Holzschuh commented
    February 29, 2024 13:32

    I agree, this is an absolute necessity. Architects and subcontractors should be able to markup as well. We are unable to use the drawings module until this is implemented.

  • Edwin Faber commented
    February 17, 2023 15:59

    I came here to make the same suggestion. When will this be done? This really takes away from the functionality of drawing markups.

  • Guest commented
    November 21, 2022 14:34

    Pretty basic necessity. The guys in the field need to be able to markup drawings to share with PM and co-workers..

  • Kim Givens commented
    April 11, 2022 16:43

    When is this going to be implemented?

  • jenny seiber commented
    March 07, 2022 15:21


  • Leah Walker commented
    January 14, 2022 23:25

    Yes, this is a must. We are having our field crews complain about not having this ability. There is no integration between the drawings tools and Bluebeam and the drawings tool itself doesn't allow for markups at all.

    If the ability to add private markup layers, or create markups on specific, shared layers, it would be very helpful. Field crews would love to be able to create Record Drawings as a layer that can then be downloaded or created as a closeout set.

  • Tason Armitstead commented
    September 01, 2020 01:22

    The comment from Aubrey on 14 of Jul would be extremely useful. Subcontractors should also have the ability to mark up for RFI's, AS-BUILTS, ETC. and be able to forward markups to the CM to save them to the drawings as visible to everyone.

  • Aubrey Buttell commented
    July 14, 2020 18:15

    We need this feature ASAP!

    Each user needs the ability to mark up drawings... only visible to themselves. This needs to be used as an AS-BUILT for all users.

  • Admin
    Sam Schwartz commented
    November 25, 2019 22:08

    I completely agree with this suggestion. The superintendent role didn't have the ability to mark up drawings to start with because all markups are public, and superintendent's markups tend to be more internal-facing. We're working on this from a couple of different angles though.

    1. We'll be adding both public and private markup layers so superintendents can make internal-type notes about logistics, layout, crews, etc. without affecting the public drawing sheet

    2. We're also planning to add configurability to the project roles, so if you want a superintendent to be able to add public markups it's a permission you can grant them

  • Admin
    Sam Schwartz commented
    November 25, 2019 22:05

    Responding to Keith's comment, we released the ability to mark up Drawings on mobile as part of our 2019-R3 release in March

  • Guest commented
    February 19, 2019 04:46

    It would be great if drawings could be marked up in the mobile applications.

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