Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Mobile App - Ability to sync / batch download all drawings & documents for offline viewing in the field app

Multiple customers and prospects have expressed a need to be able to take multiple or all Drawings / Documents offline in an easier way while using the Team mobile app.

Right now, the items you have viewed in the app (when connected to the internet) are saved/stored locally to your mobile device for later offline viewing (this is good).

However, this means you have to open every drawing or document manually in anticipation of working offline (this is bad). Especially if you have lots of drawings or documents you need access to, this is taking too much time and energy.

And option to sync/download all or multiple records at once would be highly useful for those working offline in the Team mobile app.  

  • Mark Weldon
  • Dec 3 2018
  • Future consideration
Company Viewpoint
Job Title / Role Senior Solutions Engineer
I need it... 1 month
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    • Shea Wiemann commented
      May 12, 2021 12:47

      This is a huge need as we work in remote areas a lot of times with limited or no cell service and being able to access documents without being connected is extremely important.

    • Guest commented
      November 08, 2019 21:00

      We’ve got the latest drawings synced, and that’s great, but definitely need documents offline. Doesn’t seem like it would be a stretch to enable this. BIM 360 allows this... just sayin

    • Courtney Iler commented
      May 30, 2019 15:39

      The ability to navigate an "index" of the drawings on the mobile device, similar to the 2019 R4 update with the Team web-base would be very useful.

    • Brant Fischer commented
      December 05, 2018 13:40

      There is also the issue of when drawings are updated and you have previously viewed it. It doesnt automatically download the new revision unless you click on that drawing with internet connection. The new revisions/ versions should automatically pull down if you have already cached that drawing for offline viewing.

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