Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

The TEAM Project List appears to have a random order and no search box

Projects should be sorted in a logical order and add a search box up top, the list gets long...

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  • May 11 2017
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    • Admin
      Sam Schwartz commented
      August 07, 2018 00:29

      Update - we built Favorites and resizing/auto-scrolling of the Project name, then included a Search function in the 2.7 release. I'm going to mark this one shipped.

    • KAthy Sulik commented
      February 27, 2018 17:14

      The idea of being able to pick "favorites" would be nice so only the project you are working on appear, but still have the ability to access them.  

    • Admin
      Sam Schwartz commented
      February 24, 2018 00:48

      Another great usability improvement would be to allow dynamic sizing of the list or to auto-scale the project text to fit on the cards. Currently the text is cut off after 30 characters which can make it hard to tell which project is which.

    • Guest commented
      February 07, 2018 20:00

      Do not want to sort through tons of different projects everyday.  I agree this is not efficient at all.

    • Alyssa D'Amico commented
      February 07, 2018 19:57

      This is a big issue for us.  We have anywhere from 50 to 100 projects in a given year and as a Project Admin or Enterprise Admin you see them all with no rhyme or reason.  It is very cumbersome.

    • Michael Kraemer commented
      February 06, 2018 14:12

      It is imperative that we be able to search by project name. Scrolling through hundreds of projects to find the one we are looking for is extremely inefficient. 

    • Admin
      Jim Sunderland commented
      May 12, 2017 00:11

      We plan to revisit this page with improved usability, possibly including concepts such as "favoriting" projects. 

    • +1

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