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Edit Submittal Dates should show current date and not original date.

When changing dates on a submittal, the form shows the original date.  It should show the current date so that it is easier to identify all the dates which need to be changed.

  • Guest
  • May 11 2017
  • Future consideration
Company Viewpoint
Job Title / Role Sales Engineer
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    • Bobby Asbury commented
      July 09, 2017 17:15

      I agree. In fact just posted similar suggestion. Original target dates are key but definitely need to be changed to real time at the time of submitting. Currently I manually change the date to A/E and add 14 days for review time (currently set in Project Settings) to reflect days from sbubmitting. 

    • Guest commented
      May 12, 2017 22:14

      The dates shown on the right (in the kind of grayed out section) are the current dates for each step due. They are driving the “Coming due” and “Over due” warnings and are working as they should.

      When I open up the submittal in order to edit it (using the pen icon), the window on the left shows up (the white section of the screenshot). The dates shown in that section are NOT the same as the dates on the right of the screenshot. That leads to a little bit of confusion. I went to edit the submittal because it said it was ‘overdue’ as of May 8. But when I look for May 8 in the ‘edit’ window, I can’t find it.

      My assumption is that the edit window is showing the ‘original’ date (which I have previously changed). I think it would be clearer if it showed the current date (which is what I want to change now).

      I hope this helps clarify the issue.


    • Aaron Jost commented
      May 12, 2017 21:52

      Ben -- I see the difference in the two screenshots - I'd like to know more.  How are the dates on the detail page (right) reflective of current dates? versus the older dates in the form? 

    • Guest commented
      May 12, 2017 17:42

      I added a screenshot of the comparison of dates.  Compare "Due from Submitter".

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