Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Drawing upload too tedious

This feature needs lots of work. Coming from a competitor where uploads were quick and simple, I don't understand why this process has to be so difficult. There should not have to be so much time wasted on this upload. Why can't the upload process allow all files uploaded at once, read the title info automatically, then allow for the review process to show all files uploaded and have the ability to view and scroll through each dwg and make changes if needed then publish.

  • Kim Givens
  • Apr 22 2021
Company Davie Construction Company
Job Title / Role Sr PM Administrator
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Cameron Malchow commented
      January 24, 2023 15:35

      Not sure where this has come, but the issues I have noticed are as follows:

      1. when editing before publishing, it tends to remove the sheet name and it has to be input all over even though it was already there.

      2. should allow us to add disciplines so we can customize our plan set how we want. I had vent hood drawings with an H sheet and it defaulted to hazardous materials. I would prefer to use a vent hood discipline or similar but i had to pick shop drawings.

      3. It would be nice to change the title block finder for multiple sheets instead of just one at a time. My drawing set was a compilation from multiple architects/engineers so the drawing set had to be separated into multiple uploads to fix the title finder. Otherwise i had to edit one at a time and that is tedious.

      4. The zoom function for setting up where titles and sheet numbers are sourced is not fluid. if i scroll the mouse it zoomed all the way out. Needs some tweaking.

      5. The errors should tell you what the error is instead of just having to do trial and error.

      6. They should allow you to make changes for multiple sheets all at the same time.

      anyhow, I digress. please work on this.

    • jenny seiber commented
      March 04, 2022 19:35


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