Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Photo Log

Adding a feature to allow for daily/weekly/routine progress photos would be ideal. This would save from field users sending large email attachments or transmitting thru another cloud app (I.e., google drive) and having to download back to the office. 

  • Nate Verseput
  • Jul 12 2019
  • Shipped
Company AnLaan
Job Title / Role PM
I need it... 6 months
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Mack Carpenter commented
      July 15, 2020 12:49

      Any idea when this dedicated photos module will be unleashed even if in a beta testing environment. This is a must have to for our field crews to efficiently upload large numbers of photos directly to the Team project.

    • Molly Mandel commented
      July 08, 2020 17:19

      Any update on when this will be happening? This is really a huge improvment our company is looking for.

    • Eric Elfner commented
      January 16, 2020 16:00

      Awesome, I am glad to see this is getting some traction.  I like your plan to get something simple going at first - thumbnails and tags - and then expanding it over time.  Just having a place for people to easily store, view and tag their photos in Team directly from their phone or iPad would be HUGE!!  Thank you!

    • Chris Rippley commented
      January 16, 2020 12:06

      Sam, can we have the option of time/date stamping these photos?

    • Admin
      Sam Schwartz commented
      January 16, 2020 10:28

      We are working on a dedicated Photos module - it will start as a simple repository for photos where you can quickly upload/tag/search photos but we plan to expand it from there with dedicated progress capture-type functionality - for example the ability to drop a pin on a drawing and capture/view photos over time of a specific location

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    We at Viewpoint sincerely thank you for your contribution to Suggestion Box on how we can improve Viewpoint products. While we can’t do everything at once, we rely upon your feedback to help guide the prioritization of our product improvements, and Suggestion Box is a critical tool for us to understand and prioritize our customers’ needs. Viewpoint reviews Suggestion Box regularly for all of our products and updates statuses, adds comments, and performs various house-keeping (including deleting) as needed to ensure that Suggestion Box is maintained as a productive environment for product enhancements requests.

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