Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Daily Logs Export to Email (Multi day option as well)

We are a Subcontractor.  Our workflow requires we send the GC a copy of all daily logs for the week on Fridays.  Our projects are large.  We might have 5 Superintendents creating a daily log per day.  5 logs x 5 days = 25 Daily logs someone on the project is manually printing to PDF, saving and then attaching to an email to send to the GC.


Giving a GC access to our daily logs via TEAM isn't an option.  A GC is going to ask us for the daily logs the way they want to see them. Via email or upload to their documenting system.  Plus if we did give them access to TEAM, they would be required to click the day, click the log, wait for it to open, read it, go back to the calendar, select the day again, select the next log.  There really should be a way to select multiple logs and view them one after another.(Another suggestion...I will add it.)

  • Guest
  • May 11 2018
  • Already exists
Company Eldeco Inc
Job Title / Role Business Applications Manager
I need it... 3 months
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Guest commented
      May 22, 2018 19:57

      This is a great option.  The how tos we looked at didn't give us this option.  Thanks!

    • Admin
      Sam Schwartz commented
      May 22, 2018 17:45

      You can actually print multiple Daily Logs now with the Print button on the calendar page (see screenshot below). This gives you one combined PDF with all days/logs selected and their attachments. You still have to download that file and send it manually, but it can be done all in one action. 

      We do also plan to have have arrows that let you navigate across days or logs from the detail page of daily logs, but we'll look at that on another suggestion and I'll mark this one as "Already Exists" for now.

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