Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

More Control over Auto Logout

Currently Team logs users out after 15 minutes of no activity.  I understand why you have that for security, but it is frustrating to some users when they step away or get a phone call and have to re login.  One user reported they had started to work on an Approval of a submittal.  They stepped away when they had started typing their response, it logged them out and the response they had started was gone.  I guess the two suggestions would be to have some control over the logout interval - I'd set it to 30min or maybe even an hour.  And perhaps to autosave things that are open so they could pick up where they left off if they have to log back in.

  • Eric Elfner
  • May 10 2018
  • Likely to implement
Company CG Schmidt, Inc.
Job Title / Role CG Schmidt, Inc.
I need it... 3 months
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    21 Feb 20:06

    It would be nice to have multiple plan pages open and not have to login and re-navigate to these throughout the day.

  • Andreas Wettainen commented
    August 04, 2021 16:42

    Any updates if this made it to the roadmap?

  • Aaron Jost commented
    February 19, 2020 15:44

    Update on this Suggestion. Last August we bumped up the auto logout from 20 mins to 60 mins. This has helped reduce the disruption. We'd like to add this as a "user-controlled" feature - where you can set your own thresholds - but no timeframe at this point. @Mary - We have also discussed what it would take to "auto-save" on the various "forms" to prevent any disruption if that inactivity limit is hit. Stay tuned there as well.

  • Guest commented
    February 04, 2020 00:14

    I'm interested in an intermittent auto save feature so that my users don't lose their work - something in the background would be ideal but even a button would be an improvement. 

  • Admin
    Sam Schwartz commented
    December 28, 2018 18:46

    We did expand this to an hour which seems to have relieved a lot of the pain here - agree 15min was too short. We do have plans to add some more configurability to the auto log-out

  • William Ramsey commented
    July 10, 2018 20:26

    Ideally, I would like to be able to set this per user.  That way my office staff could stay logged into it all day when they are using it, but my field staff would be limited to 30 minutes of idle time due to security reasons.

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