Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Download ALL items for a Project (across Submittals, RFIs, Issues, Daily Logs, Documents, Drawings)

Our senior leadership has identified the need for consolidated reporting (as well as the ability for a project-wide 'closeout'), and the ability to download all project items for a particular subject (e.g., Submittals, RFIs, Issues, etc.), while helpful (and currently planned), doesn't go far enough.  

  • Guest
  • Oct 29 2018
  • Shipped
Company Strata Solar
Job Title / Role IT Business Analyst
I need it... 1 month
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    • Mercedes Green commented
      February 19, 2019 15:18

      This doesn't work.  Every time I try and use it sits at "In Progress" for days.  

    • Admin
      Sam Schwartz commented
      December 28, 2018 21:42

      I'm going to mark this one shipped as the above closeout feature has been released. We do have further plans though - more configurability of what RFIs/Submittals/Documents/etc get included, ability to shared a public link to the closeout file, for example.

    • Admin
      Jim Sunderland commented
      October 31, 2018 18:26

      Sure - perhaps the best way is to show the dialog that a project editor accesses via Project Settings | "Closeout". The closeout runs in the background and generates a PDF for all of the selected items (just like printing an individual RFI or Submittal) along with Documents and Drawings if selected. The end result is a ZIP file with a folder structure per type (RFI, Submittal, Document, etc...) that can be downloaded from Team. 

    • Matt Lovenshimer commented
      October 31, 2018 13:12


      That's great!

      I'm sure this will be in the release notes, but could we get a quick preview/list of what functions come with closeout?

    • Admin
      Jim Sunderland commented
      October 29, 2018 21:52

      Tom, we will be releasing a new project closeout feature in the upcoming release - planned for November 6th. In the longer term you should expect to see additional reporting as well. 

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