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Daily Logs - Assign Log to More than 1 Person

Below is a recap of a suggestion for a project we have going now where we can only assign daily logs to 1 person but in this case, the assigned person is going on vacation for a 1 week so we had to go adjust the assigned person that the "fill in" person can post the log. 

We would ideally be able to assign multiple people to a daily log for this instance! 


Issue #2:


Shantele does not need to be the one in “Charge” or be the “Assigned to” recipient for a specific Recurring Daily Log in the West Jefferson Project. She is going on vacation for a week and what they would like is to have another Contact be in charge of the Daily Log and she just be a contributor.



  • I walked her through my steps as Rudy (Project Editor) going into:
    • Project Settings > Daily Logs > Edit the Daily Log in Question > Replaced the Assigned to from Shantele > Mike Tredinich
    • Added Shantele as an Additional Contributor
  • Set expectations that she will not see this Daily Log in her Assigned to Me Widget, as she is now just adding notes to the Daily Log but no longer ‘in charge’ of the Daily Log
  • This change is not retroactive and will not affect or update Past Daily Logs, only future ones created.
  • She will no longer be able to ‘Post’ the Daily Log now assigned to Mike T., he will be the one to Post the Log to be marked as “Completed”


That’s what she was looking for and I know we had discussed them wanting to see the Daily Logs evolve into being able to have one Daily Log assigned to more than one person, in case someone goes on vacation and someone else can pick-up the work. I have looked in our Suggestion Box and there is not one in there yet that addresses this particular workflow. 

  • Guest
  • Sep 26 2018
  • Future consideration
Company The Lemoine Company, LLC
Job Title / Role VP of Organizational Development & People / ERP Champion
I need it... 1 month
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  • Admin
    Sandra Johnson commented
    May 30, 2019 16:07

    Hi Rudy, We recently released Distribution Groups and users are now able to assign a distribution group in the "assign to" area of the daily log. Using a distribution group should allow users to see daily logs in their assigned to me widget. I hope this helps. If not, please reach out.

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