Submit Your Suggestions for Viewpoint Team

Add a search option in Daily Logs to be able to search for "weather delays" "contractor logs" "accidents", etch.

  • Guest
  • Aug 13 2018
  • Likely to implement
Company Lloyd Companies
Job Title / Role Construction Manager
I need it... 3 months
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    • Guest commented
      April 22, 2024 15:48

      We also need to have daily logs be more accessible in general. It is ridiculous that you are not returned to where you were when you delete a daily log. We also need to see them in a list view instead of a calendar view. It is very cumbersome to go through daily logs and find what you are looking for.

    • Bonnie Hunter commented
      May 03, 2021 15:21

      @SamSchwartz I am echoing Mel's ask for an update - it's been 2-1/2 years and it sits at 'likely to implement".

      Trying to scroll back through daily logs to determine when an event happened on site or Hydro came to site etc, very cumbersome without a search tool.

    • Mike Zeller commented
      November 14, 2019 15:26

      It would be helpful for an excel export of this and all aspects of this database be available in the absence of the ability to create custom reports. We put the data in, but can't get it out.

    • Chris Rippley commented
      November 14, 2019 14:34

      We really need a way to be able to easily extract this information for weather delay claims. Can you let us know if this is in development and/or when we may see this released? 

    • Mel James commented
      November 05, 2019 13:13


      Any update on the this suggestion?  It would be nice to have a way to track the weather/lost days with the daily log function.  There should be a way to export this data.

    • Jamie Berzon commented
      July 23, 2019 18:30

      We use the grid all the time in Vista to even filter or search for keywords. We need to be able to do this in TEAM.

    • Michael Collier commented
      February 21, 2019 22:26

      Spectrum allowed users to search the Daily Logs.  This is extremely valuable to users when trying to look back on when work was performed on a certain area or to search for when a specific event might have occurred.  

    • Teresa Schaeffer commented
      February 01, 2019 16:47

      Along the same lines, ability to filter and export information.  Example:  Someone needing to find Daily Logs which mean the use of Hydro Excavation that day.  Then further to be able to export certain days versus overall export through Closeout (which is effective) but perhaps ability to be more specific with the export or filtering.

    • Mercedes Green commented
      January 16, 2019 17:56

      This is the primary reason we use Vista's PM Daily Logs.  We can either do filters on the Grid (logs with weather below 0 degree, those with Accident checked) but since the data is available to us, have devised inquiries to search by Subcontractor etc.  We will always need to quickly find any Log day that a Trade was onsite, or ones with Accidents, etc.  It's imperative.  

    • Admin
      Sam Schwartz commented
      December 28, 2018 18:21

      I've merged a few other suggestion posts into this one - some asking for excel export, some asking for search, some asking for sortable/filterable grid - in general needing a solution for reporting on specific parts of daily logs. We don't provide a way to do this currently and are working on a good method to solve that problem.

      I agree with a few of the comments that an excel export would be helpful but is not the right solve here.

    • Brant Fischer commented
      August 28, 2018 12:23

      I echo this request. We are just starting to use the daily logs and needing to go back to find data from entries. Currently we have to export everything to PDF to search.

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