The "Edit Contact" window does not allow me to edit any of the information - contact name, phone number, email, etc.
Company | Kraus-Anderson Construction Company |
I need it... | 6 months |
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Could the info in TEAM/Viewpoint One at least sync from Vista after it's initially pulled in? Otherwise what's the point.
The Trade box no longer seems to hold entry either. You can put info in and appears on the list but when the screen refreshes it is no longer there. This box used to work when the others were not able to edit but does not seem to work now. Just FYI on your update to make sure that is looked at.
In 2019, R2, we opened the name, organization and phone number for project contacts.
It would be extremely helpful to be able to edit the contact information for subcontractors, within TEAM, if this info won't pull from VISTA. This is a contact hub for many and would be much more useful to have all of the information for our contacts in one place.
The ability to add phone numbers to the contacts is very crucial to our day-to-day business. Our Operations department (supers in the field) need to be able to have phone numbers to contacts...if the user does not add a phone number when they are setting up an account or do not set up their account the phone number is not visible.
Suggested solutions:
1. Either give Project Admins/Editors the ability to add/edit a phone number within the contacts
2. Link the contact information from Vista Firm Contacts and phone number to Team Platform
Yes, same here. Something must have changed as it used to work